Outreach, Children's Yoga Specialty, Yoga Provider
RYT, Neurofeedback Provider
CHTA has been a strong advocate to support our staff professional development. We have provided Level 1 and Level 2 EMDR certification trainings that allow our clinical staff to provide EMDR therapy for our clients.
Previous staff who benefitted from Level 1 and 2 are:
Andrea Shindle, April Thomas Kenney, and Cassandra Williams
Early 2020, CHTA has provided full Yoga Teacher Certification through Bodhi Boulder for Alexis Hauck. This training allows her to provide trauma informed specialized yoga for CHTA clients.
All these trainings and certifications are CHTA fully funded.
We may be a small, non profit but we value our staff's skills, desire to help, and motivation for growth and leadership.
Matthew is a school counselor at Fort Morgan High School, and is the Executive Director for the Colorado School Counselor Association. Matthew has done training's on Mental Health First Aid, and active church member of Life Fellowship.
I grew up in Fort Morgan. I graduated from CSU with a degree in Social Work. I worked with Developmentally Disabled youth while at CSU, and my 1st 4 years with MCDHS, I started August 15, 1976. I have worked in all four units of the Service Division at MCDHS. I have witnessed the professional intensive work CHTA does in our community and want to support CHTA in whatever way is needed.
Christie has always had an interest in supporting helping professions and promoting mental health. The opportunity to be on the CHTA board provides opportunities to promote the work of CHTA in our community, especially CHTA's work in guiding the conversations around mental health to be more frequent and with good information.
Dana currently works as the Finance Manager for Morgan County Family Center, she is also the Mayor of Brush. She has seen the need for CHTA in the community and the importance of the work being done. She is excited to be able to support Doreen and the Center.
Sherri has extensive experience and knowledge in working with families and partnership/collaboration with communities. She led the Foster/Kin program at Morgan County Dept. Of Human Services.
She enjoys time with her family
.CHTA Board of Directors not only oversee the administrative side and they also make sure programs run smoothly and progressing.
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